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Tuesday, September 21, 2004

Life: Is But A Dream, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily. . .

A dialogue between Kwai Chan Caine and Master Kahn from Steve Geller's quotes of dialogues from the television series, Kung Fu as found at

#60. Kahn: The cobweb is made of silken thread so fine that a puff of breath destroys it. Yet, to the spider it is a secure haven.
KCC: Still to me only a cobweb.
Kahn: (Blows a cobweb): When the wind blows, a feather dances in its wake.
KCC: But the feather, much weaker than the wind, can do no other.
Kahn: Is this the way of man?
KCC: There are strong and weak.
Kahn: You do not see. Which is stronger, these boards, or your arm?
KCC: The boards.
Kahn: Strike the boards, using your arm as a weapon (boards break). Yet the boards resisting do not endure.
KCC: Can the weaker be the stronger?
Kahn: See the way of life as a stream. A man floats, and his way is smooth. The same man turning to fight upstream, exhausts himself. To be one with the universe, each must find his true path, and follow it.–KF*

dreamlike picture of kcc