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Friday, December 03, 2004

Life: Bobbed and Buoyed in the Wake

From Birocco, December 02, 04:
I remain convinced to this day that in all likelihood I have only an illusion of choice, which of course I have to exercise in even the most trivial of situations. This is probably why I like so much being in situations where there is nothing for me to have to decide, where decision is taken out of my hands, such as being on a long river journey. That life is fated is not so bad, it just means that life is more mysterious than were it simply the sum total of a myriad of wills attempting to influence the world. It could explain why most attempts to actually influence one's own life by action that is not in accord with what is fated usually seem like a kitten trying to battle its way out of a paper bag. And even if free will exists, so many people made such a kibosh of it with their decisions in early life that even now they are so bobbed and buoyed in the wake of it that for them all may as well be fated.

Now where in this oceanliner is my vorpal sword?