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Tuesday, December 07, 2004

Eyes3: Inadequate

From Glimpse in the Gaps in Your Vision, in Mind Hacks: Tips and Tools for Using Your Brain, by Tom Stafford and Matt Webb:

"Despite the fact that the eye has a blind spot, an uneven distribution of color perception, and can make out maximal detail in only a tiny area at the center of vision, we still manage to see the world as an uninterrupted panorama. The eye jumps about from point to point, snapshotting high-resolution views, and the brain assembles them into a stunningly stable and remarkably detailed picture.

These rapid jumps with the eyes are called saccades, and we make up to five every second. The problem is that while the eyes move in saccade all visualinput is blurred. It’s difficult enough for the brain to process stable visual images without having to deal with motion blur from the eye moving too. So, during saccades, it just doesn’t bother. Essentially, while your eyes move, you can’t see."

So you think you are seeing everything? You are not catching anything that moves faster than your eyeballs can handle -- and yes, more things move faster than you can imagine.